Buy Amlip 5 mg
High Blood Pressure Medication

Amlip 5 mg

22.00 USD

Manufacturer: Cipla, India
Substance: Amlodipine
Pack: 100 tabs (5 mg/tab)

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Amlip 5 mg Reviews
May 31, 2021 (04:04)

I took Norvas (Amlodipine 5 mg) with Anatolol 50 mg and it worked for me. Of course, I had side effects, but I dealt with them and didn't take extra medication for each side effect. Most of the side effects eventually went away after 2-3 months, but my blood pressure also dropped and I can feel the difference in my daily routine. I have researched high blood pressure drugs for over 2-3 years and discovered that the best drug is the combination drugs. I think it was very good for me. But please remember; I didn't just inhale my medication; I added vigorous walking and also watched what I was eating. The combination of medication, exercise, and the right food helped tremendously.

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