Buy Almox 500 mg

Almox 500 mg

40.00 USD

Manufacturer: Alkem Laboratories Ltd.
Substance: Amoxicillin
Pack: 100 caps (500 mg/caps)

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Almox 500 mg Detailed

Almox Capsule 500mg

Almox is used to treat bacterial infections, ear infections, throat, skin, nose. This product has the substance Amoxicillin, it is an antibiotic similar to Penicillin, which stops the proliferation of bacteria in the body. To get the most benefit use Almox as your personal doctor has told you, even if you feel better following the treatment until the end, this product can be taken with or without food. If you have stomach problems take this product with food. Do not take 2 doses at the same time, do not increase the dose without the doctor's consent. If you have an allergy to Amoxicillin these can be noticed by: itching, coughing, swelling of the face, shortness of breath, information your doctor.

This product is recommended stored in a cool dry place, away from children or pets.

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